Make your Fireplace one that People Want to Gather Around
Make Your Fireplace One That People Want To Gather Around
A fireplace is a wonderful part of a home. It not only provides an extra source of heat when it is lit, but it is also an excellent place to decorate to make the home look more welcoming.
In order for people that have fireplaces to make them look nice, they will need to decorate them properly. Because they will want to make sure that they have a nice focal point above the mantel, they will want to have a pretty picture or mirror. This will give the fireplace an added dimension. They will also want to have some other figurines on the mantel too.
Many people like to use artificial flowers along their mantel too. This will give the room even more décor. The flowers should be in the same color family as the rest of the room. They should not overpower the room with flowers that are too big or too bold. They should also be placed in a way that is aesthetically pleasing to look at.
On the hearth of the fireplace, people should place decorative items. Nice things to put there are wine decanters or flower arrangements. These should be kept clear of the opening of the fireplace especially when it is lit.
It is always a good idea to have a fire in the fireplace when the weather is colder. If they don’t like the idea of lighting wood in their home, they can get the artificial logs that will look wonderful too.
Another great way to get people to gather around the fireplace is having several throw pillows on the floor. They can sit on them or use them to prop themselves up against a sofa or chair. Bean bags chairs are also wonderful items that make sitting by a fireplace a great idea for many people.
Fireplaces are wonderful in a home. People will want to make sure that they are kept clean at all times and allow people to spend time near them when they visit. By taking the time to decorate the fireplace and mantel, they will really have a nice sitting area to entertain their guests in. Making the most of the fireplace will be a decorating plus and other people will compliment them on what they have done with their room. By using the ideas above, a person can make their fireplace one that people will want to gather around.